5 Simple Steps For Meditating with Angels - Lisa bEachy

5 Simple Steps For Meditating with Angels

Greetings, fellow spiritual seekers! Are you looking to enhance your meditation practice and connect with the angelic realm? If so, meditating with angels may be just the practice for you. By incorporating angelic meditation techniques into your practice, you can deepen your spiritual connection and experience greater tranquility and serenity.

Here are five simple steps to get you started on your journey of connecting with angels through meditation:

  1. Set your intention: Before you begin your meditation practice, take a moment to set your intention. State your desire to connect with the angelic realm and to receive any messages or guidance they may have for you.
  2. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you will not be disturbed. Light candles or incense, burn sage, or play calming music to help you create a sacred atmosphere.
  3. Visualize: Close your eyes and visualize a bright light surrounding you. This light represents the angelic realm and their presence around you. Allow yourself to feel their loving energy and visualize yourself connecting with them.
  4. Ask for guidance: Once you feel connected to the angelic realm, ask for their guidance. Ask them any questions you may have or simply ask for their assistance in your spiritual journey.
  5. Express gratitude: When you are ready to end your meditation, express gratitude to the angels for their presence and guidance. Thank them for their love and support.

By following these simple steps, you can begin to incorporate angelic meditation techniques into your practice and experience the benefits of meditating with angels. Stay tuned for the rest of this article, where we will explore further techniques for connecting with the angelic realm.

Understanding Angelic Presence in Meditation

When we meditate with angels, we open ourselves up to their loving energy and guidance. Angelic presence in meditation can take many forms, from feeling a gentle breeze on your skin to receiving intuitive messages and insights.

To tap into this energy, it’s important to create a sense of openness and receptivity in your meditation practice. One technique is to envision yourself surrounded by a sphere of white light, inviting the angels to join you in this sacred space.

Another effective technique is to focus your attention on your breath and imagine that with each inhale, you are drawing in angelic energy, and with each exhale, you are releasing any negativity or tension. This can help to clear your mind and create a sense of calm and tranquility.

Angelic Energy Meditation Techniques

There are also specific techniques you can use to enhance your connection with angelic energy during meditation. One is to visualize a particular angel or group of angels, imagining their presence around you and feeling their energy flowing through you.

You can also try chanting sacred mantras or using specific mudras (hand gestures) to invoke angelic energy. For example, the “Ra Ma Da Sa” mantra is said to invoke the healing energy of the angels, while the “Gyan Mudra” is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

By incorporating these techniques into your meditation practice, you can deepen your connection with the angelic realm and experience the transformative power of angelic energy.

Preparing Your Space for Angelic Meditation

Creating a sacred space for your meditation practice can help you connect with the angelic realm more easily. Set aside a quiet and peaceful area in your home where you won’t be disturbed during your practice. You can also use this space to perform angelic visualization exercises and meditative journeys.

To begin, clear the space of any clutter or distractions. You can also light candles or burn incense to create a calming atmosphere. Consider incorporating crystals or other spiritual objects that resonate with you and help to elevate your energy.

Visualizing with Angels

One way to connect with angels during your meditation is through visualization exercises. Start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Imagine a bright light surrounding you, filling you with love and protection.

Next, visualize yourself in a peaceful and serene place, such as a garden or a meadow. Picture a beautiful angel standing before you, radiating love and light. Observe the angel and notice any details about their appearance and energy.

As you continue to visualize the angel, ask them for guidance or simply bask in their positive energy. Take as long as you need in this space before slowly returning to your physical surroundings.

Meditative Journeys with Angels

Another way to connect with angels is through meditative journeys. These journeys involve traveling to different realms and dimensions in your mind with the help of angelic guidance.

Begin by setting an intention for your journey and asking the angels to guide you. Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to relax as you enter a meditative state.

Visualize yourself in a beautiful and expansive landscape, such as a mountain or a forest. Imagine a path before you, leading to a sacred space where you can connect with angels directly. Allow your journey to unfold naturally and trust that the angels will lead you where you need to go.

Remember to express gratitude to the angels before returning to your physical body. Practicing visualization exercises and meditative journeys can deepen your connection with angels and enhance your overall meditation practice.

Inviting Angels into Your Meditation Practice

When it comes to meditating with angels, inviting their presence into your practice is key. By doing so, you open yourself up to the guidance and healing energy that these celestial beings offer.

One technique for inviting angels into your meditation is to simply ask for their presence. As you begin your meditation, visualize yourself surrounded by a white light and ask the angels to join you in your practice. You can also set an intention for your meditation, such as seeking guidance or healing, and ask the angels to assist you in achieving this intention.

Another technique is to focus on specific archangels during your meditation. Each archangel is associated with certain qualities and can offer guidance or assistance in different areas of your life. For example, Archangel Michael is often associated with protection and courage, while Archangel Raphael is associated with healing.

During your meditation, you can visualize these archangels and ask for their guidance or support. You may also feel their presence or receive messages from them, either through intuition or other means.

Incorporating angelic healing into your meditation practice is another way to invite angels into your practice. By focusing on the healing energy of the angels, you can release negative emotions or physical ailments and experience a greater sense of well-being.

Overall, inviting angels into your meditation practice can enhance your connection with the divine and provide a greater sense of peace and clarity. Experiment with different techniques and see which ones resonate with you the most.

Deepening Your Connection with Angels

As you continue to practice meditating with angels, you may find yourself wanting to deepen your connection even further. Here are some advanced techniques to help you attune to higher frequencies and receive messages from the angelic realm.

1. Visualize White Light

During your meditation, try visualizing yourself surrounded by a bright white light. This light represents the energy of the angels and can help you to connect with their presence more deeply. As you visualize the light, allow yourself to feel a sense of peace and protection.

2. Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to connect with the angelic realm. Take a few moments at the beginning or end of your meditation to thank the angels for their guidance and support. This simple act of appreciation can help to strengthen your bond with them.

3. Incorporate Sound

Sound can be a powerful tool for connecting with the angels. Try playing soft, soothing music or using instruments such as singing bowls or chimes during your meditation. These sounds can help you to attune to higher vibrations and facilitate communication with the angelic realm.

4. Open Your Heart

To deepen your connection with the angels, it’s important to open your heart and cultivate a sense of unconditional love. Practice sending love and light to yourself, others, and the world around you. This will help to raise your vibration and make it easier to receive messages from the angels.

5. Trust Your Intuition

One of the most important aspects of deepening your connection with angels is learning to trust your intuition. Pay attention to any insights or messages that come through during your meditation, and trust that they are coming from a place of divine guidance. Over time, as you continue to practice, you’ll develop a stronger and more profound connection with the angelic realm.

By incorporating these techniques into your angelic meditation practice, you can deepen your connection with the angels and experience the transformative power of their energy.

Benefits of Meditating with Angels

Meditating with angels can have a profound positive effect on your overall well-being. As you deepen your connection with the angelic realm, you’ll begin to experience a heightened sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Enhanced Intuition

Through angelic meditation techniques, you can attune to higher frequencies and gain access to intuitive insights. As you become more connected to the angels, you’ll start to trust your inner wisdom and guidance, leading to a greater sense of clarity and purpose in your life.

Angelic Healing

Angels are known to be powerful healers and can offer support and guidance in times of physical or emotional distress. By inviting angels into your meditation practice, you can tap into their healing energy and receive the help you need to restore your mind, body, and spirit.

Greater Sense of Connection

As you deepen your meditation practice with angels, you’ll begin to feel a greater sense of connection to all of creation. This connection fosters a sense of unity and oneness that can be deeply transformative, helping you to feel more grounded and centered in your daily life.

Increase in Inner Peace

Meditating with angels can help you to experience a deeper sense of inner peace and stillness. By connecting with the angels, you can release stress and tension from your mind and body, leading to a greater sense of calm and tranquility.

Angel Guidance

Through meditation with angels, you can seek guidance and support from the angelic realm. By connecting with your angels, you can receive messages and insights that can help you navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.

Incorporating angels into your meditation practice can offer a wealth of benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. By following the techniques outlined in this article, you can deepen your connection with the angelic realm and experience the transformative power of meditating with angels.


Overall, meditating with angels can be a powerful and transformative practice for connecting with the angelic realm and deepening your meditation practice. By following the simple steps and techniques outlined in this article, you can open yourself up to the peace, serenity, and healing energy that comes with connecting with angels.

As you continue your spiritual journey, remember to approach this practice with an open heart and mind, and to trust in the guidance and wisdom of the angelic realm. Whether you are seeking inner peace, healing, or simply a deeper connection with the divine, meditating with angels can help bring you closer to your spiritual goals.

So, why not give it a try? Start incorporating angelic meditation techniques into your practice today, and let the transformative power of connecting with angels guide you on your path.


What is meditating with angels?

Meditating with angels is a spiritual practice that involves connecting with the angelic realm through meditation. It is a way to deepen your spiritual connection, seek guidance, and experience healing energy.

How can I meditate with angels?

To meditate with angels, find a quiet and comfortable space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Visualize angels surrounding you with their loving presence and imagine yourself connecting with their energy. You can use affirmations, angelic music, or guided meditations to enhance your experience.

What are the benefits of meditating with angels?

Meditating with angels can bring numerous benefits, including a sense of inner peace, heightened intuition, increased clarity, and a deepened connection to your spiritual self. It can also promote healing on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.

How do I invite angels into my meditation practice?

Inviting angels into your meditation practice can be done through intention and prayer. Simply state your desire to connect with the angelic realm and invite the angels to join you in your meditation. You can also ask for their guidance, protection, and healing energy.

Can I connect with specific angels during meditation?

Yes, you can connect with specific angels during meditation. You can call upon archangels like Archangel Michael for protection and courage, Archangel Raphael for healing, or Archangel Gabriel for guidance and communication. You can also connect with your guardian angel or any angel that resonates with you.

Is it necessary to have prior meditation experience to meditate with angels?

No, prior meditation experience is not necessary to meditate with angels. Anyone can start their angelic meditation practice, regardless of their level of experience. It is a personal and intuitive practice that can be adapted to suit individual needs and preferences.

How often should I meditate with angels?

The frequency of your angelic meditation practice is entirely up to you. It can be beneficial to establish a regular routine, such as daily or several times a week. However, even meditating with angels occasionally can still bring profound benefits and experiences.

Can meditating with angels help with specific challenges or life situations?

Yes, meditating with angels can help with specific challenges or life situations. You can seek guidance and support from the angelic realm when facing difficulties, making decisions, or seeking clarity. The angels can provide comfort, healing energy, and insights to navigate through various aspects of life.

Can children participate in meditating with angels?

Yes, children can participate in meditating with angels. It is a beautiful practice that can help children develop a deeper connection with their spiritual nature and experience feelings of peace and serenity. You can adapt the practice to their age and understanding, making it a fun and engaging experience for them.

How long should an angelic meditation session last?

The duration of an angelic meditation session can vary depending on your preference and availability. It can range from a few minutes to an hour or longer. Choose a duration that feels comfortable for you and allows you to fully immerse yourself in the angelic energy.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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