What are the Best Essential Oils for Archangel Zadkiel?

Published by lisabeachy on

I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. I know you’re seeking knowledge and meaning on your spiritual journey. It brings me joy to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained about Archangel Zadkiel and how certain essential oils help connect us to this magnificent being of mercy, forgiveness and transformation.

What essential oils are associated with Archangel Zadkiel?

Archangel Zadkiel is associated with the violet flame and energies of transmutation, forgiveness, and mercy. Some essential oils that align with Zadkiel’s vibration and can be used in rituals or meditation include:

  • Lavender – promotes calming, peaceful energy and forgiveness. Lavender can assist in releasing negativity and transforming energy.
  • Frankincense – aids spiritual connection and transmutation of lower vibrations. Frankincense has a powerful healing vibration.
  • Juniper – works to release what no longer serves us and clear negative energy. It promotes letting go and forgiveness.
  • Clary sage – uplifts mood and inspires forgiveness and release of toxic emotions like anger or guilt. It’s calming.
  • Geranium – encourages releasing fear and negative emotions and promotes inner harmony. Geranium has a balancing effect.
  • Bergamot – inspires forgiveness, acceptance and emotional healing from past traumas or grief. Dispels negativity.
  • Angelica – purifying and aligned with the angelic realms. Angelica promotes mercy and compassion.

Incorporating these essential oils into your daily routine or spiritual practices can significantly enhance your connection with Archangel Zadkiel. Whether you choose to diffuse them, apply them topically, or use them in meditation, these oils serve as a bridge to the divine energies of forgiveness, mercy, and transformation that Zadkiel embodies. By aligning with these frequencies, you open yourself to profound healing, clarity, and spiritual growth. Embrace the power of these oils and let them guide you on your journey towards inner peace and enlightenment.

Check out My Amazon Store for a complete list of Archangel Zadkiel’s Essential Oils

Why use essential oils connected to Archangel Zadkiel?

Using essential oils associated with Archangel Zadkiel allows us to connect with Zadkiel’s energy and brings the vibration of mercy, transmutation, and freedom into our space. The oils help us release negativity, forgive others and ourselves, and transform lower energies into higher frequencies. Blending oils like lavender and frankincense in meditation with Zadkiel invites his powerful divine light into our lives to cleanse, uplift and heal on all levels. The oils help forgive emotional wounds, trauma, sadness or destructive habits to make way for positive growth and change.

What is the violet flame that Zadkiel is associated with?

The violet flame is the high-frequency transmuting energy that Archangel Zadkiel oversees. The violet color represents forgiveness and spiritual alchemy. It has the ability to transmute, transform and alchemize negative or dense energies into light and love. It dissolves past traumas, clears away resentment and grief, allows forgiveness, and frees you from destructive habits, thoughts, and behavior patterns. Working with Zadkiel and the violet flame brings healing, mercy and freedom from what holds you back.

How do you work with essential oils and Archangel Zadkiel?

There are a few primary ways you can work with essential oils and Archangel Zadkiel:

  • Add oils like lavender, frankincense or geranium to your bath water and ask Zadkiel to fill you with mercy, forgiveness, and healing light while soaking.
  • Use a diffuser with oils like juniper or clary sage in a space where you will meditate or do spiritual work with Zadkiel. Ask Zadkiel to be present.
  • Anoint your third eye, heart chakra and palms with violet flame oils as you enter meditation and ask Zadkiel to release negativity and fill you with transforming light.
  • Create synergistic blends with oils associated with Zadkiel and use during prayer, energy clearing, or healing work.
  • Mix oils like frankincense and lavender and apply to the body while visualizing the violet flame clearing away destructive patterns or toxicity from the cells.

What is a simple prayer practice with Zadkiel?

Here is a simple prayer practice to connect with Archangel Zadkiel’s energy:

  1. Find a quiet space to meditate. Have frankincense or lavender oil nearby.
  2. Center yourself and call upon Zadkiel to be with you. Reaffirm your desire to release negativity and open to his mercy and compassion.
  3. Place a drop of essential oil on your third eye. Begin focused breathing. Visualize a violet flame clearing away stuck energy.
  4. Mentally repeat “I forgive myself” and “I forgive others” with each breath. Release shame, blame, resentment.
  5. Ask Zadkiel to fill your entire being with violet light. Feel negativity transmuting to love, freedom and inner peace.
  6. Give thanks to Zadkiel for his forgiveness and aid. Come back gently from meditation. Notice any shifts in your emotional state.

This prayer practice with Archangel Zadkiel is a powerful way to tap into the energies of forgiveness, mercy, and transformation. By incorporating essential oils, visualization, and affirmations, you create a sacred space for healing and spiritual growth. Remember, the key to this practice is intention. Approach it with an open heart, ready to release and receive. Over time, you may find that this simple ritual becomes a cornerstone of your spiritual journey, bringing clarity, peace, and a deeper connection to the angelic realms. Embrace the transformative power of Zadkiel and let it guide you towards a life filled with love and understanding.

How do you choose the best oil blend for working with Zadkiel?

Some tips for blending the best essential oils for working with Archangel Zadkiel:

  • Choose 1-3 oils associated with Zadkiel’s energy like juniper, clary sage, lavender. Limit blends to 3-5 oils total.
  • Add purifying oils like frankincense or myrrh. These amplify the clearing effects.
  • Include uplifting oils like bergamot, geranium or orange to elevate the emotions.
  • Violet flowering oils like lavender enhance the violet flame energy.
  • For releasing toxic emotions, use clary sage, juniper and lavender.
  • For forgiveness rituals, blend lavender, frankincense and angelica.
  • To transmute grief, use bergamot, frankincense and sandalwood.
  • Craft your blend based on your specific purpose and area needing transformation.

What crystals does Archangel Zadkiel resonate with?

Archangel Zadkiel resonates most strongly with crystals and gemstones that relate to spiritual purification, clearing negativity, and raising your vibration. Some of the top crystals associated with Archangel Zadkiel include:

  • Amethyst – A powerful purple stone known for its spiritual protective qualities and ability to clear negative energy. Amethyst promotes inner peace, contentment, and connection to the higher realms.
  • Clear quartz – Considered the “master healer” crystal, clear quartz amplifies energies and intentions. It is an excellent stone for clearing blockages, cleansing auras, and raising your vibration in meditation. Clear quartz boosts focus and clarity.
  • Smoky quartz – Smoky quartz is linked to removing negative energy and transforming dense vibrations into higher frequencies. It is grounding and stabilizing, helping to dissolve pessimism and other low-vibe thought patterns.
  • Selenite – The high-vibration white energies of selenite powerfully cleanse auras and remove energy blockages. It promotes inner clarity, angelic connection, peaceful calm, and heightened intuition.
  • Angelite – True to its name, angelite facilitates clear angelic communication, specifically with Archangel Zadkiel. It dispels fears and negative thoughts, opening you to spiritual wisdom and guidance.
  • Celestite – The “celestial” and airy vibes of blue celestite connect you with the angelic realms. It invokes divine truth, higher awareness, and soul evolution. Celestite dissolves stress.
  • Herkimer Diamond – These high-frequency quartz crystals illuminate the path ahead. They attune you to spiritual purpose and unfold intuitive abilities. Herkimer “diamonds” banish fears and worries.

Check out My Amazon Store for a complete list of Archangel Zadkiel’s Crystals and Gemstones

Archangel Zadkiel is the divine messenger of mercy, forgiveness, and transformation. Therefore, deep violet and indigo crystals that inspire compassion and enhance spiritual insight are most aligned to invoke Zadkiel’s transformative presence.


Working with Archangel Zadkiel and essential oils connected to his energy provides powerful transformation. Oils like lavender, juniper and frankincense aid in releasing negativity, fostering forgiveness, and opening us to Zadkiel’s mercy and healing. Blending oils purposefully, using them in meditation, prayer or anointing allows Zadkiel’s violet flame to clear away destructive patterns and trauma to make room for positive growth and change. Zadkiel brings the gift of freedom when we call on him and utilize the potent vibration of associated oils and crystals.

Check out My Amazon Store for a complete list of Archangel Zadkiel’s Essential Oils


Essential Oil Benefits
Lavender Promotes calming, peaceful energy, forgiveness, releases negativity
Frankincense Aids spiritual connection, transmutes lower vibrations, powerful healing
Juniper Releases what no longer serves, clears negative energy, promotes letting go
Clary Sage Uplifts mood, inspires forgiveness, releases toxic emotions
Geranium Encourages releasing fear and negativity, promotes inner harmony
Bergamot Inspires forgiveness and emotional healing from trauma/grief
Angelica Purifying, aligned with the angelic, promotes mercy and compassion


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Archangel Zadkiel known for?

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and is associated with the violet flame, forgiveness, and spiritual alchemy or transmutation. Zadkiel can assist in transforming negative energies and destructive patterns into positive growth and change.

How do essential oils help connect with Zadkiel?

Certain essential oils carry vibrations that align with Zadkiel’s energy. Using these oils in practices like meditation or prayer can help you consciously connect with Archangel Zadkiel and invoke his energy and presence.

What’s the best way to use essential oils with Zadkiel?

Some effective ways to use the oils are adding them to bath water, diffusing them in a space for meditation with Zadkiel, anointing your chakras, or creating synergistic blends to use during rituals, prayers or healing work.

Which essential oil is most closely linked to Zadkiel?

Lavender is the essential oil most associated with Archangel Zadkiel. Lavender aligns with his energies of promoting peace, calm, forgiveness and emotional healing.

Can you use essential oils with Zadkiel without meditating?

Yes, you can anoint yourself with the oils at any time to invoke Zadkiel’s presence and frequency. Carrying or wearing the oils throughout your day is a good way to stay connected to Zadkiel’s energy.

What crystals boost the effects of essential oils with Zadkiel?

Amethyst is the primary crystal that magnifies Zadkiel’s violet flame energy. Other boosting stones are clear quartz, aquamarine, lepidolite, labradorite and iolite.

Is there a prayer practice example for working with Zadkiel and oils?

Yes, one simple prayer practice is to use frankincense or lavender, visualize violet light clearing negativity, repeat forgiveness mantras, then let Zadkiel fill you with transmuting energy during meditation.

Check out My Amazon Store for a complete list of Archangel Zadkiel’s Essential Oils

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Find out more about the Archangel Zadkiel


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