How do you read an angel deck?

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How do you read an angel deck - Lisa Beachy

How to Read an Angel Card Deck

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all again. Today I want to talk about how to properly read angel card decks. Angel cards are such a beautiful way to receive guidance and affirmations from the angelic realm. However, they do require some skill and practice to read accurately. Don’t worry – I’m here to walk you through the process step-by-step!

What is the best way to prepare before a reading?

Before reading angel cards, it’s important to ground, center, and set your intentions. Here are some tips:

  • Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Call in your angels and guides. Mentally or verbally invite your angels and spirit team to join you and offer their wisdom.
  • Clear your energy. Imagine a white light clearing away any negativity or dense energy.
  • Set your intentions. State your reasons for doing the reading and what guidance you seek. This focuses the energy.
  • Shuffle the cards while holding your intentions. This infuses the cards with the energies. Shuffle until you feel ready.

Taking these steps allows you to be fully present and an clear channel for the angels’ messages.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for Amazon Decks Recommendations

How should you select cards from the deck?

There are a few different ways to select cards when reading angel cards:

  • Random draw – Shuffle the cards, spread them out face down, and choose cards at random. Let your intuition guide your hand.
  • Intentional draw – Concentrate on your question, then pick out the cards that “call” to you or stand out.
  • Three card spread – Shuffle while concentrating on your query, then pick 3 cards from top of the deck. Read cards left to right.
  • Celtic Cross spread – Lay out 10 cards in specific pattern. Card 1 is the situation, card 10 shows resolution.
  • Daily card – Shuffle deck, pick one card for overall message for the day.

There’s no right or wrong way! Sample different techniques and see what resonates best for you. Follow your intuition.

What are some tips for interpreting the card meanings?

Interpreting the meanings of angel cards takes practice, but these tips can help:

  • Refer to the guidebook for each card’s core meaning. This provides a starting point.
  • Notice the imagery on the card and how it makes you feel. The visuals are significant clues.
  • Consider the context of your question and current circumstances. Fit the meaning to your situation.
  • Check your intuition. Does the card meaning feel right? Does a different interpretation come to mind?
  • Look for themes and connections between multiple cards in a spread. How do they relate?
  • Stay positive – Most angel card readings have uplifting and encouraging messages, even if challenging.

Go with your first instinct when interpreting a card, even if the meaning surprises you. The angels speak through your intuition!

What is the best way to close an angel card reading?

It’s important to close your reading properly in order to ground, cleanse, and reflect on the session. Here are some tips:

  • Thank your angels and guides out loud for the messages and guidance they offered during the reading.
  • Write down any interpretations, advice, or predictions you received so you can revisit them later.
  • Cleanse the cards by visualizing golden light, tapping them, or placing crystals on them to release any energies.
  • Ground yourself by having a snack or drink, hugging a tree, or pressing hands down on the floor.
  • Reflect on the reading and how you can apply the guidance or insights to your life situation going forward.
  • Ask for additional clarity if you still have confusion over a particular card or message that arose. The angels are happy to bring more understanding!

Proper closure keeps your energies clear, allows you to fully integrate the angelic wisdom, and shows gratitude to your team. Angel messages are so powerful when received with an open heart and mind.

Angel and Oracle Card Recommendations on Amazon

What are the best practices for storing and caring for angel card decks?

Angel card decks are sacred tools and should be treated with care. Here are some top tips:

  • Keep cards in a dedicated box or pouch – this contains the energy. Don’t let others handle them.
  • Wrap them in a scarf or fabric to protect their energy from mixing with other objects.
  • Cleanse cards regularly with herbs, crystals, sound, or visualizations to clear accumulated energies.
  • Store horizontally, not upright – this keeps the energy of the cards grounded when not in use.
  • Let cards rest between readings, especially if doing multiple readings in one day. Overuse can deplete the power of the cards.
  • Treat gently – avoid bending, folding, or damaging the cards as this can disrupt the integrity of the deck.
  • Renew deck once it feels diminished by retiring old deck and bringing in fresh one.

With proper care and respect, your angel card decks will remain powerful spiritual tools for many years. The angels’ light infuses them!

What is the best mindset when beginning to work with angel cards?

The ideal mindset for working with angel cards is one of openness, reverence, and trust. Here are some tips:

  • Come from a place of faith – believe in the wisdom and guidance of the angels. Doubt can block the messages.
  • Approach with gratitude – thank the angels in advance for the insight you will receive.
  • Have an open mind – don’t attach to expectations or desired outcomes. Let the cards reflect what you need to know.
  • Release fear and need for control – the angels always have your highest good in mind.
  • Stay positive – look for uplifting interpretations of the card meanings. See challenges as opportunities.
  • Move past skepticism – set aside analytical thinking and allow your intuitive self to engage.
  • Have fun! – interacting with the angelic realm is meant to be enjoyable. Relax and appreciate the process.

When you approach angel cards from this heart-centered, faith-filled mindset, you allow the angels to speak to you clearly, powerfully, and lovingly.

How can you build trust in the validity of angel card messages?

Building trust in the guidance you receive from angel cards takes time and consistency. Here are some strategies:

  • Start with an open mind. Avoid skepticism or looking to “test” the cards.
  • Journal regularly to track how card messages and interpretations apply to your experiences over time.
  • Note synchronicities, repetitive numbers, or other signs that confirm the cards’ accuracy. These are the angels nudging you.
  • Pay attention to how you feel physically and emotionally as you read the cards. Uplifted energy indicates resonance with the Divine.
  • Observe how card meanings reveal deeper insights about your life circumstances, relationships, and growth opportunities.
  • Have faith in the invisible world and invest in developing your intuition through regular practice.
  • Say thank you out loud to validate and appreciate messages received. This strengthens your connection.

As you patiently and consistently work with your angel cards, you will start to recognize the angels’ fingerprints and guidance in all areas of your life. This builds trust!

Angel and Oracle Card Recommendations on Amazon

How do you know if a card deck resonates with you?

Determining which angel card decks resonate best with you is an intuitive process. Here are signs you’ve found a compatible deck:

  • The cards’ imagery and meanings speak to you on a personal level. The symbolism and messages feel relevant.
  • When you touch or scan the deck, you get chills, goosebumps, or tingles. This shows an energetic connection.
  • The cards you select during readings make perfect sense given your situations and questions.
  • You look forward to using the deck – you feel energized, centered, grateful, or joyful.
  • The deck helps you gain clarity, insights, or validation about your life path and choices.
  • Synchronicities arise around specific cards or messages as confirmation from angels.
  • You have powerful emotional responses to certain card images or meanings – this indicates resonance.

Go with your gut instincts about which decks “vibe” with your personal energies and style. You’ll know when it just feels right and the angels come through clearly.

What should you do if a card reading is confusing or negative?

Even experienced readers can occasionally have an angel card reading that seems confusing, negative, or contradictory. Here are some tips for handling this:

  • Take a break – step away and give yourself time to process before interpreting further. Don’t force it.
  • Re-ground and pray for clarity, then pull 1-2 additional cards for amplification.
  • Consider the opposites – is there a positive interpretation you missed? Perhaps the contrast brings insight.
  • Look for metaphors – is there a symbolic meaning vs. literal? What is the higher message?
  • Don’t assign blame to yourself, others, or the cards. It’s usually not about blame.
  • Trust your intuition even if the message surprises or disappoints. Your angels know what’s best.
  • If still confused, shelve it for now. The meaning may become clear later when you need it most.

Know that the angels deliver messages in perfect timing. What confuses today might help tomorrow. Stay open!

What are the best practices for an angel card reading business?

If you want to offer professional angel card readings, here are some best practices:

  • Have a website detailing your services, types of readings offered, rates and scheduling.
  • Create a welcoming space in your home or office with peaceful energy – soft lighting, flowers, crystals.
  • Explain your process so clients know what to expect. Share how you interpret cards.
  • Offer different reading lengths – 15 mins, 30 mins, 60 mins based on question complexity. Price accordingly.
  • Record and share brief summaries or highlights so clients can revisit messages later.
  • Limit same-day readings to conserve your own energy. Space them out.
  • Cleanse energy between each reading – chanting, incense, bells, sage.
  • Have clients shuffle the cards so their energy connects. Don’t let others touch cards though.
  • Maintain confidentiality. Get consent before sharing any private details for promotional purposes.
  • Continue studying to expand your knowledge and reading skill set.

Approaching your angel card business with care and integrity will help it flourish!

Angel and Oracle Card Recommendations on Amazon

Key Takeaways

  • Prepare mind, body and spirit before reading angel cards through intention-setting, cleansing rituals and grounding.
  • Select cards intuitively, either through random or intentional draws. No single method is required.
  • Interpret card meanings through a lens of positivity, tapping your intuition and considering current life circumstances.
  • Close readings properly by expressing gratitude, writing down messages, cleansing cards and reflecting.
  • Store angel card decks with care – keep them in dedicated boxes or pouches and cleanse them regularly.
  • Approach readings from a mindset of openness, trust and enthusiasm to be a clear channel.
  • Note validations and synchronicities that confirm the accuracy of messages over time. This builds trust.
  • Let your energetic connection and emotional responses guide you to decks that resonate most powerfully.
  • With confusing readings, take a compassionate approach – shelves judgements and revisit later with fresh eyes.

In Summary

Working with angel card decks for guidance and affirmation can be an incredibly rewarding practice when done mindfully and intuitively. Sincere preparation, care of the cards, and trust in the unconditional wisdom of angels helps create a powerful experience each time you read. Honing your interpretation skills takes patience and an open heart, but the messages you receive will provide such comfort, clarity and divine inspiration. I’m grateful to be on this journey with you! May your angel card readings illuminate your path forward with grace and divinely guided insights.

Topic Summary
Preparing for a Reading Ground, center, set intentions, call in angels, clear energy, shuffle cards
Selecting Cards Random draw, intentional draw, 3-card spread, Celtic Cross, daily card
Interpreting Cards Refer to guidebook, notice imagery, consider context, use intuition, find connections, stay positive
Closing a Reading Thank angels, write down messages, cleanse cards, ground yourself, reflect and integrate
Caring for Cards Dedicated box/pouch, cleanse regularly, store horizontally, let cards rest between readings, handle gently
Ideal Mindset Openness, faith, gratitude, release fear and need for control, move past skepticism, have fun!
Building Trust Track accuracy over time, note synchronicities, pay attention to emotional/physical responses, have faith in developing intuition
Finding a Resonant Deck Imagery and meanings speak to you, get chills/tingles when handling, cards make sense for your situations, you look forward to using it, provides clarity/insight/validation, notice synchronicities
Confusing Readings Take a break, re-ground and pray for clarity, pull additional cards, consider opposites, look for metaphors, don’t assign blame, trust your intuition, shelve for later
Angel Card Business Website, welcoming space, explain process, offer reading lengths, record summaries for clients, limit daily readings, cleanse energy between readings, have clients shuffle cards, maintain confidentiality, continue studying

FAQ Page on Reading Angel Cards

Frequently Asked Questions About Reading Angel Cards

An angel card reading can provide powerful guidance, insight and affirmation if you know how to properly interpret the messages. Here are answers to some common questions about angel oracle cards:

What is the meaning of angel reading?

An angel reading is a session where someone connects with the angelic realm to receive answers, information and healing energy through various divination tools like angel cards. The reader taps into angelic guidance around specific life situations and questions.

What to expect from an angel reading?

Expect an angel reading to:

  • Feel uplifting, comforting and empowering
  • Provide validation of your inner wisdom
  • Reveal your strengths, gifts and life purpose
  • Align you with higher guidance and your soul path
  • Bring clarity around decisions, relationships and other issues
  • Deliver messages of hope, optimism and reassurance
  • Motivate and inspire you through angelic wisdom
  • Heal energy blocks through the angels’ light

What is an angel deck?

Angel decks are oracle card decks featuring images and messages from the angelic realm. Each card conveys an angelic energy and meaning. Decks come in many varieties – some feature archangels, guardian angels, ordifferent types of angels. Readers use intuition to interpret the cards.

How do you recognize an angel?

You may recognize an angel’s presence through:

  • Unexpected feelings of peace, calm or comfort
  • Seeing unexplained flashes of light or sparkles
  • Hearing gentle whispers or your name called
  • Noticing sweet fragrances like flowers or cinnamon
  • Physical sensations like chills, goosebumps, tingling
  • Repeated sightings of feathers, coins or rainbows
  • A strong urge to pray, give thanks or smile

What is 111 angel reading?

An 111 angel reading interprets the number sequence 111, which contains triple 1s. In numerology, this number conveys a direct message from angels that you are aligned with your life purpose and manifestations are coming into fruition. It is an auspicious sign to continue thinking positively.

What is the meaning of angel in real life?

In real life, angels symbolize:

  • Divine intervention, protection and guidance
  • Support through life’s challenges and transitions
  • The presence of loved ones who have passed on
  • Reminders to love yourself and others unconditionally
  • Encouragement to have faith, live authentically and pursue your passions

How do you sense the presence of an angel?

You may sense an angel’s presence through:

  • Feeling sudden peace, comfort or upliftment
  • Hearing gentle whispers, chimes, or your name called
  • Seeing unexplained sparkles of light or flashes of color
  • Noticing sweet, fragrant scents like flowers or cinnamon
  • Chills, goosebumps, tingling sensations on your skin or scalp
  • Knowing you’re not alone, even when physically by yourself

What are the symbols of the angels?

Common angelic symbols include:

  • Wings
  • Halos
  • Harps
  • White or golden light
  • Doves, birds
  • Stars, suns, moons
  • Lions, horses, unicorns
  • Angels holding scrolls or books
  • Angels slaying dragons

These symbols express qualities like enlightenment, power, courage, protection, music, and knowledge.

Where can I read angel numbers?

You can look for angel numbers – repeating number sequences like 111, 222, 333 that signify guidance from angels – in places like:

  • Clock times
  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • License plates
  • Receipts
  • Dates
  • Page numbers
  • Financial transactions

Keep an eye out! The more you notice patterns, the more affirming messages the angels can send you.

What is an angel in spirituality?

In spirituality, angels represent:

  • God’s divine messengers and intermediaries between heaven and earth
  • Spirit guides helping humans from the afterlife
  • Divine beings of high vibration that protect and serve
  • Heavenly archetypes and energies humans can call upon
  • Enlightened beings that connect humans with spiritual truths
  • Symbols of love, light, and the interconnectedness of all life

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Book a Psychic Angel Reading


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