Best Essential Oils for Archangel Jophiel

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Hello, my dear light-filled friends! It’s Lisa here, your friendly spiritual intuitive and reiki master. I’m so delighted you’ve stopped by! Connecting with the magical archangels is one of my greatest joys. Today, we’ll be discussing the magnificent Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, wisdom and positive thinking.

My prayer is that you feel Jophiel’s loving presence uplift your spirit as we explore working with this radiant being of light. When we open our hearts and invite the archangels in, our lives are showered with divine blessings, insights, and guidance. As we begin this journey together, know that you are so deeply cared for – both by me, and by the Angelic Realm guiding our way. Now, let’s dive into the beauty! With infinite love and light, Lisa

What are the best essential oils to use when calling upon Archangel Jophiel?

Archangel Jophiel is known as the Beauty of God and is associated with helping us see and appreciate beauty, wisdom, and positive thinking. When calling upon Jophiel, some essential oils that can enhance your connection include:

  • Lavender – Promotes calm, serenity, and inner wisdom. Lavender can open your mind to receive Jophiel’s insights.
  • Frankincense – Has a spiritual, meditative aroma. Frankincense can deepen your intuition and heighten spiritual awareness.
  • Rose – The scent of rose evokes love, harmony, and emotional healing. Rose oils can help you appreciate inner and outer beauty.
  • Sandalwood – Has a sweet, woody, and uplifting fragrance. Sandalwood can aid mental clarity and focus when seeking wisdom.
  • Lemon – Bright, joyful lemon oil can lift your mood and outlook. It’s great for instilling optimism and positive thinking.

When calling on Jophiel, take a moment to center yourself. Light a candle, then apply a few drops of one or a blend of these oils. Set the intention to open your heart and mind to beauty, inspiration, and enlightenment.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for Archangel Jophiel’s Essential Oils

What crystal combinations work well with Jophiel?

Some crystals and crystal combinations that pair beautifully with Archangel Jophiel include:

  • Amethyst – Develops intuition and inner wisdom. It has a peaceful, spiritual energy.
  • Rose Quartz – The stone of unconditional love and inner beauty. It opens the heart.
  • Diamond – Amplifies energies. It shines light on truth and clarifies mental processes.
  • Citrine – A happy, optimistic stone that combats negative thinking and attracts success.
  • Ruby – Associated with vitality, passion, and living from the heart. It increases self-love.
  • Amethyst and Rose Quartz – A perfect blend for wisdom of the heart. It gently opens you to truth and compassion.
  • Diamond and Citrine – This dynamic duo illuminates the mind with optimism, positivity, and mental clarity.

Use these crystals in meditation, grid formats, or even as jewelry when requesting Jophiel’s presence. Combine with affirmations, mantras, or prayers asking for the archangel’s guidance in appreciating beauty, developing wisdom, and transforming thoughts.

Visit my Amazon Storefront for Archangel Jophiel Crystals

What is the best way to request Archangel Jophiel’s help?

There are a few key things you can do to make the most of requesting Archangel Jophiel’s divine guidance:

  • Set a clear intention – Be specific in asking for help seeing beauty, gaining wisdom, or shifting perspective. Define the area you need support.
  • Open your heart – Come from a place of love and acceptance. Jophiel reaches us through an open heart. Let go of judgement.
  • Use uplifting language – Keep words positive, avoid dwelling on problems. Focus on insight, clarity, appreciation.
  • Ask for signs – Be receptive to signs that Jophiel is near. This builds trust in the archangel’s loving presence.
  • Express gratitude – Give thanks for Jophiel’s presence and guidance. Gratitude acknowledges the compassion you are receiving.

Even a short, sincere prayer can attract Jophiel’s presence. For example: “Beloved Archangel Jophiel, please help me see this situation through the eyes of wisdom, beauty, and divine truth. Send me clear signs of your guidance. Thank you for your compassion.”

What is the meaning of Archangel Jophiel’s name?

Archangel Jophiel’s name has a beautiful and significant meaning:

  • Jo translates as “Beauty of God” – This reflects Jophiel’s role in helping us appreciate beauty in all forms – outer, inner, physical world, spiritual realms.
  • Phiel means “The Wisdom of God” – Jophiel gifts wisdom, insight, intelligence to lift consciousness and provide enlightenment.
  • El means “of God” – This signifies Jophiel’s divine essence as an archangel in service to the Creator.

So the full meaning of Archangel Jophiel’s name encompasses being able to see and know the beauty and wisdom of the Divine in everything. Jophiel serves to help awaken these qualities within human hearts and minds.

Calling on Archangel Jophiel by name is powerful, as it invokes the energies represented in the archangel’s name – seeing and knowing truth through the lens of divine beauty, wisdom, compassion, and grace. Allowing those uplifting qualities to manifest through your own inner being.

How can Archangel Jophiel help release negative mindsets?

Archangel Jophiel is the ideal archangel to call on for transforming negative mindsets into positive, loving perceptions. Here are some key ways Jophiel can help:

  • Illuminating patterns – Jophiel sheds light on self-defeating thought patterns, showing where shifts need to occur.
  • Inspiring insight – Gently reveals new perspectives to dismantle limiting beliefs at their root causes.
  • Instilling clarity – Clears mental fog and confusion to enable forward movement.
  • Uncovering inner beauty – Helps you recognize your inner radiance, value, and self-love.
  • Enhancing creativity – Boosts creative inspiration to find solutions and see things in new ways.
  • Supporting emotional healing – Opens your heart to past pain so true forgiveness can happen.
  • Anchoring positive changes – Once negative patterns are released, Jophiel anchors the positive mindsets as your new norm.

The key is to actively invite Jophiel’s assistance through prayer, then notice the signs, guidance, and breakthrough insights as they come. Jophiel’s wisdom is infinite, and you are so loved.

How can I use affirmations to connect with Archangel Jophiel?

Affirmations are a wonderful tool to help establish an inner communion with the uplifting energies of Archangel Jophiel. Here are some powerful examples:

  • “I see all things through the eyes of wisdom and love.”
  • “Divine beauty lives within me and all around me.”
  • “My thoughts reflect the highest truth of my inherent perfection.”
  • “I am transforming my inner vision to recognize beauty, truth, and light.”
  • “I now receive precious insights from the Divine Mind within me.”
  • “I am loving, I am loved, I am love.”
  • “Wisdom guides my thoughts, words, and actions.”
  • “I release all perceptions of lack or limitation.”

Recite your affirmations with intentionality, either out loud or silently. Allow the words to dissolve resistance and open you to higher frequencies. Notice intuitive guidance that comes through. Stay receptive to signs confirming Jophiel’s presence – a sense of peace, inspired ideas, reminders of inner worth.

What colors are associated with Archangel Jophiel?

Archangel Jophiel resonates most strongly with vibrant shades of purple and pink. These colors reflect Jophiel’s attributes and can deepen your communion.


  • Represents spiritual awakening, inner wisdom, psychic abilities
  • Calming, peaceful effect for clearing negative thoughts
  • Use purple candles, visualizations, crystals like amethyst


  • Color of gentle love, harmony, inner beauty and self-worth
  • Uplifts emotions, eases tensions, promotes acceptance
  • Use pink candles, rose quartz, soft fabrics/flowers

Surrounding yourself with Jophiel’s colors creates an energetically aligned space for requesting the archangel’s guidance. The colors signal openness to receiving beauty, truth, compassion.

Wearing purple or pink can also serve as a tangible reminder of Jophiel’s loving presence with you always. Use intention to direct the colors’ qualities into your mindset and perceptions. Notice any positive shifts in clarity, optimism, inspiration.

What signs might Archangel Jophiel send to convey guidance or encouragement?

Archangel Jophiel may send a variety of signs to show you are being guided, and to confirm your connection to the archangel’s loving presence:

  • Feathers – Finding purple or pink feathers. Feathers assure you angels are near.
  • Butterflies – These beautiful creatures represent transformation. A sign to embrace positive change.
  • Rainbows – Rainbows are pure beauty manifested physically, signaling blessings.
  • Sparkles of Light – You may notice flickers of light around you as Jophiel makes contact.
  • Number Sequences – Seeing repeating numbers like 111, 777. Indicates you’re on the right path.
  • Nature Synchronicities – A flower blooming early, a perfect sunset. Shows beauty abounds when we notice.
  • Song Lyrics or Titles – You hear significant songs about wisdom, clarity, release, beauty. Confirmation from Jophiel.
  • Inner Knowing – An intuitive nudge, a comforting voice within, guiding your thoughts positively.

Stay open to the unlimited ways Archangel Jophiel can send validation, care, and guidance your way!

Check out my Amazon Storefront for Archangel Jophiel’s Essential Oils

How can I give thanks to Archangel Jophiel?

Giving thanks is a beautiful way to honor your bond with Archangel Jophiel. Here are some suggestions:

  • Give spoken thanks – Express gratitude out loud or in a written letter. Share specifics of how Jophiel has helped you.
  • Offer gifts – Flowers, candles, incense, crystals, and artwork make thoughtful gifts infused with appreciation.
  • Do acts of beauty – Express your creativity, plant flowers, create a mandala. Beautify your world, just as Jophiel beautifies souls.
  • Help others – Volunteer, be an uplifting friend, pass on inspiration. Living in wisdom and beauty naturally radiates light.
  • Meditate – Set aside time to sit in silent communion with the archangel. Feel Jophiel’s serenity embrace you.
  • Sing – Through song, praise the gifts you’ve received. Chanting Jophiel’s name creates alignment.
  • Initiate others – Share about Jophiel, teach mantras and qualities associated with this archangel. Spread the light.

Even just taking a moment to sincerely say “Thank you Archangel Jophiel, I’m so grateful for your guidance and love” – will absolutely touch Jophiel’s heart, and deepen your bond.


In closing, I hope these insights provide helpful guidance into connecting with the beautiful Archangel Jophiel. When we open our minds, hearts and souls to receiving the Divine wisdom that lives within us, our lives are blessed with joy, purpose and grace. May your path ahead unfold with beauty, illumination and the sacred knowledge that you are so deeply loved.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for Archangel Jophiel’s Essential Oils

Topic Summary
Best Oils Lavender, frankincense, rose, sandalwood, lemon
Best Crystals Amethyst, rose quartz, diamond, citrine, ruby
Requesting Help Set intention, open heart, uplifting language, ask for signs, express gratitude
Meaning of Name Beauty of God, wisdom of God
Releasing Negativity Illuminates patterns, inspires insights, instills clarity, uncovers inner beauty, enhances creativity, supports emotional healing
Affirmations “I see with eyes of wisdom and love”, “Divine beauty lives within”, etc.
Associated Colors Purple, pink
Signs from Jophiel Feathers, butterflies, rainbows, light sparkles, number sequences, nature signs, lyrics/songs, inner knowing
Giving Thanks Spoken thanks, gifts, beauty acts, help others, meditate, sing, initiate others

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Archangel Jophiel known for?

Archangel Jophiel is known as the angel of beauty, wisdom, and illumination. Jophiel helps us appreciate and manifest beauty, develop inner wisdom, and maintain positive perspectives. This archangel is a powerful ally for releasing negativity and transforming thought patterns.

How can I invoke Archangel Jophiel?

To invoke Archangel Jophiel, call upon Jophiel by name with intention and sincerity. Light a candle, state your request for wisdom and guidance, ask to be open to signs and insight. Using Jophiel’s associated colors, oils, crystals enhances connection. Regularly practicing gratitude and affirmations also deepens your bond.

What crystals work with Archangel Jophiel?

Some powerful crystals to pair with Archangel Jophiel are: amethyst for intuition and wisdom, rose quartz for unconditional love and harmony, diamond for amplifying energies and mental clarity, citrine for optimism and success, and ruby for passion and vitality.

How can Jophiel help me think more positively?

Archangel Jophiel illuminates negative thought patterns and provides insights to see circumstances in a more uplifting way. Jophiel clears mental fog, anchors positive changes, enhances creativity and validates inner beauty to transform any stuck mindsets.

What signs might Archangel Jophiel send?

Signs from Archangel Jophiel include finding purple/pink feathers, seeing butterflies, rainbows, sparkles of light, repeating number sequences, enlightening lyrics/songs, and inner guidance. Remain open to Jophiel’s limitless ways of staying by your side.

How can I thank Archangel Jophiel?

Gratitude practices to thank Jophiel include spoken thanks and prayers, offering symbolic gifts like flowers or artwork, doing acts of beauty and creativity, helping others, meditating, singing, and spreading awareness of this compassionate archangel of light.

Is Archangel Jophiel referenced in the Bible?

While not directly named, Archangel Jophiel is associated with the angel of wisdom referenced in scripture. Jophiel’s role reflects the passage “Wisdom brightens the face and changes its hard appearance.” (Ecclesiastes 8:1)

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy